Grace Bible Church welcomes those with special needs to be an integral part of our church body! Special Grace Ministry was created to help people find hope & dignity in Christ as they live with the difficulties of this life.
We understand disease brings the absence of ease. We know disability brings struggle. We see disorders cause so many other battles. But we know Christ, His Word, and fellowship with His people can bring a special grace that we all need. We want those living with special needs to find hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ.
You are invited! Special Grace Ministry Respite Night
When: November 23, 2024, 1-4pm
Who: Adults & Kids (ages 10+) with special needs and their siblings
Family members & caregivers can enjoy an evening out, run errands, or simply have a break while participants enjoy fun activities and light snacks. Each participant will be paired one-on-one with a trained buddy. Nurses will be vailable on-site.
Advance registration is required by November 15.
Mission of Special Grace Ministry
Our mission is threefold:
1) To disciple and evangelize people living with disability
2) To serve parents and families
3) To support one another
What it looks like
SGM is a Sunday school class available to whoever wants to come. This class does not substitute the worship service. We encourage everyone to be part of the worship service during first hour and then come to be part of this Special Grace class at 10:30. If you would prefer to be, or have your loved one be, in a regular class but could benefit from assistance, we can provide a one-to-one buddy to help navigate Sunday school classes.
Besides offering this class on Sundays at 10:30, we meet once a month with the families living with special needs to share life, care for one another and pray for one another. We want to support one another, as we know disability brings struggle. So we want to be intentional in everything we do, making sure we care for the particular needs of everyone being part of this ministry.
Finally, we also provide respite nights every semester.
When? Sunday mornings at 10:30am
Where? GBC, Room 121
Who? Teens and up at this stage, but we are open to help everyone. Do contact us asap.
Welcome & fellowship: 15 min.
Worship: 15 min.
Prayer: 15 min.
Teaching: 30 min.
Caring/discipling/intentional interaction: 15 min.
Note: Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Questions or want to be involved? Contact Pastor Josué at 620-663-4740.