Where: Laredo, TX
When: May 17-24, 2024
Leader: Gulfield Jones
Maximum Team Size: 12 Core Members

The CORE Mission Trip will be an opportunity for the young adults of GBC to serve the body of Christ at GCC Laredo. During the trip we plan to love and serve in several different ways. First, with being extra hands and feet, to help restore the Unbordered Ministries Retreat Center. We plan on helping with refurbishing, painting, maintenance work, and with whatever else needs to be done. Second, to organize a VBS for the Laredo community around GCC. We plan on doing this by evangelizing and inviting local parents and their children to attend. Third, we plan to pray with and encourage the Pastor and members of GCC. We plan on doing this through fellowship, prayer times, and loving them with the love of Christ. Our ultimate goal is that through this mission trip, the gospel will be proclaimed in Laredo and that the hearts of those in CORE would be encouraged to pursue a life in missions.

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