MAP Logo Black for Web-12
What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2

We are excited to fulfill the calling that GOD has placed on the church to find and train the next generation of faithful workers!


The Ministry Apprentice Program is designed to train men who desire to pursue full-time ministry through the local church. The focus of our training will be in leadership, preaching, discipleship and counseling. We hope to send these faithful workers, trained and equipped to accomplish the great comission to all the nations!

MAP will focus on three main areas: character, conviction, and competency.


The Christian character area primarily combines two elements: 
1. Intentional relationships and involvement with church leadership. 2 Timothy 3:10
2. The practice of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, fasting, and memorization. 1 Timothy 4:6-7
The apprentice will be taught, trained, discipled, prayed for and loved by church leadership. Through this we plan to help improve upon weaknesses and identify strengths.


The goal is to promote a knowledge of scripture and a sound biblical theology so that the apprentice will be better equipped to serve and love Christ and His church.
The apprentice will be given a reading plan unique to them. The readings will include scripture, doctrines, theology, biographies and church books.


The goal is to develop and improve upon skills related to pastoral ministry. These areas include:
-Gospel Communication
-Conflict Resolution
-Leading Bible Studies
-Developing and Implementing Ministry Plans
-Developing Vision and Direction for a Ministry
-Biblical Counseling


Members of Grace Bible Church who exemplify Christ-like character and sense a specific call from God to devote their whole lives to serving Christ through vocational ministry. Our shepherds want to partner with those willing to make this kind of sacrifice in order to prepare them for a lifetime of faithful service for the kingdom of God.


Please talk to one of your shepherds about this ministry.