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Nothing pulls at my heart more than to see a child in need. Everything is wrong with that picture. It does not matter where I am – across the street, in another city, or in another country. I can think of so many little children throughout my life that had great needs like food, clothes and, most importantly, an adult who would love them. This simple little song comes to my mind, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world…”
I am comforted by the knowledge that my Lord loves these children. I am, however, challenged to be His ambassador of that love. James 1:27 makes it clear that if I am who I profess to be in Christ, I will seek ways to help these children. I have learned this from my trips to Russia. These churches seek out the neglected, forgotten children.
Do you realize that really we were spiritual orphans? No father. No family. No place to call home. But we have a Father who has adopted us (Galatians 4:5, Romans 8:15). No benefit of being in the family of God is withheld from us. This is the greatest example – the unloved are loved. God has been working in the heart of many at Grace Bible Church to begin Grace for Orphans. I, for one, am both humbled and excited by the potential we have to exemplify our true religion. I encourage you to pray, serve, and give alongside of Grace for Orphans.
GBC Shepherds